Sunday, September 23, 2012

I was at a funeral today.  A very close friend of mine lost her father this past week.  The church swelled with love from friends and family members who were there to remember a remarkable man, husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather.  It is times like this that remind us how precious life is. 

I thought about how my life has been up to this moment.  Honestly, no complaints came to mind.  I don't own a house, my bills pile every one else lately, and my car doesn't always work like I would like it to.  But my daughter and I are happy and great things are happening in both of our lives.  Isn't that what matters most? 

So, I arrive home from this sad occasion to find a blog entry on Inkspell Publishing's website welcoming me as a new author.  Yep.  Life is good.  No complaints here. 

My book is being published.  I think I mentioned that before. It still surprises me every time I say it out loud. 

Check it out:


  1. Hi Jiill, welcome to the Inkspell family!
    I''m sorry for you and your friend's loss. I hope that connecting your your fellow authors today has been a little bright spot.
    Looking forward to reading Cycle Thirteen.

  2. Thank you so much Annabelle! I feel very welcomed and excited to be a part of Inkspell.
